Climate crisis? Energy crisis? Rally for clean reliable energy across the EU.
Around the world, nations are scrambling to secure enough energy for winter. Global shortages are driving prices for electricity, gas, and coal to record highs
With the UN’s Climate Change Conference, COP26, on the horizon, many countries’ decarbonization plans have been derailed. The crisis has deprioritized the “energy transition” in service of keeping the lights on.
Nevertheless, the developed nations of Germany and Belgium are still holding on to their plans to shut down their most important source of reliable and clean energy: nuclear power. Meanwhile, their governments are proposing new natural gas plants to replace the lost generation capacity. Not only will Germany miss its 2020 climate targets again in 2021, but it will also fail to meet its 2030 targets. In fact, Germany expects to see its biggest rise in greenhouse gas emissions in the last 30 years.
This year Germany is expected to permanently close three of its nuclear reactors. In the midst of a worldwide energy crisis and climate change, Germany will deliberately close four gigawatt of clean, reliable power and allow for new fossil fuels to come online.
Germany’s main power production in 2021 came from coal. But according to a new study, if Germany allows for the continued operation of its six nuclear reactors, one billion tons of CO₂ emissions can be avoided.
However, the future government coalition of SPD, FDP, and the Greens continues to massively expand and invest in both wind and solar while supporting the current nuclear phaseout. Although solar and wind are low-carbon energy sources, it is clear that the focus on weather-dependent technologies has left Germany reliant on Russian natural gas imports.
The lack of firm clean energy coupled with rising electricity costs has left many industries across the country worried. As the demand for electricity increases, Stefan Wolf, President of Gesamtmetall, the employer’s association of Germany’s largest industrial sector, has issued a call to return to nuclear energy.
That is why, as concerned citizens, we’re taking to the streets of Berlin on November 13th in support of nuclear energy. While we still burn coal and gas, the nuclear phaseout is no option!
For the climate, for humanity, for Germany and the EU, we demand:
- Phase out coal and gas, not nuclear!
- Recognize nuclear energy as “green”!
- No shutdown of fully functional nuclear power plants!
It is not too late to reverse course!
Allies from around the world will join us at this demonstration. We will hear from climate scientists, academics, and environmentalists on the importance of nuclear energy, for both the planet and humanity. Countries represented include Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, Sudan, The Netherlands, The USA, and many more.
Info about the rally
- Info booth open 1.30 p.m. Atom expert quiz and measurements of radioactive items
- Start punctually at 2 p.m. with entertaining program, fun included
- It’s cold, be prepared!
- Cover your mouth and nose with mask
- Keep distance 1,5 meter
- Desinfect at the info booth
Please use #SaveGER6 in social media, join our Facebook event!

November 13th 2021, 14:00–17:00
Berlin, Germany, Pariser Platz (Brandenburger Tor)
Main speaker: James Hansen

Climate scientist Dr. James E. Hansen from USA
- Adjunct Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University, New York
- Director of the Program for Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions
- Former Lead of NASA’s GISS
Short messages from speakers around the world:
- Germany: Björn Peters, Aktionskreis Energie & Naturschutz (AKEN)
- Poland: Agata Brzezińska, FOTA4Climate
- South Africa: Princess Mthombeni, Africa4Nuclear
- Italy: Luca Romano, Creator of L’Avvocato dell’Atomo (Atoms advocat)
- Kenya: Collins K. Wafula, Nuclear Energy Is The Better (NUeB)
- Slovakia: Andrej Repisky, EAFES
- Poland: Jula Galosh, Youth Climate Council
- France: Myrto Tripathi, Voices of Nuclear
- Ireland: Sarah Cullen, 18for0
- Netherlands: Joris van Dorp, Ecomodernists Netherlands
- Finland: Ari Greus, Ecomodernist Society of Finland
- Poland: Leszek Karlik, Razem Party
- Danmark: Johan Christian Sollid, Foreningen Atomkraft Ja Tak
- Norway: Mathias Meyer, Klimavenner for Kjernekraft
- Belgium: Emeric Massaut
- Germany: Amardeo Sarma, Ökomoderne Deutschland
- Austria: Dominic Wipplinger, Vorstand Junge Generation der ÖKTG
- Switzerland: Werner Bechtel, Energie Club Schweiz
- USA: Mark Nelson, Radiant Energy Fund
- Canada: Dr. Chris Keefer, Decouple Podcast
We’d like to introduce you to some of the speakers:
Princess Mthombeni
from South Africa
- Founder and host of the Africa4Nuclear series
- Youtube: Africa4Nuclear, Facebook: Africa4Nuclear
- Twitter: @Princymthombeni

Amardeo Sarma from Germany
- Dipl. Eng. Electrical Engineering (TU Darmstadt, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)
- Board member of Ökomoderne e. V.
Jula Galosh from Poland
- Biology student
- Vice President of the Polish Youth Climate Council
- FOTA4Climate

Collins K. Wafula from Kenya
- Website: Nuclear Energy Is The Better
- Twitter: Nuclear Energy Is The Better
- Iida Ruishalme, Thoughtscapism (Blog), Ecomodernists Sweden
- Dominik Bieczynski, Zielony Atom (Green Atom), Poland
- Mathijs Beckers, Chairman e-Lise Foundation, The Netherlands
- Yonis le Grand, Engineering student, The Netherlands
- Milena Zehetner, Österreichische Kerntechnische Gesellschaft
- Oliver Siegl, Firma Ingenios, ÖKTG
- FOTA4Climate from Poland: Adam Błażowski, Andrzej Gąsiorowski and many more
- Florian Blümm,
- Simeon Preuß, physics teacher, Youtube
- Christoph Lemmer, blog
- Eva Greger, student with commitment to nature conservation
- Henry Schmidt, Partei der Humanisten, Berlin
- Antonello Zito, PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Nucleare e Ragione
- Jan Maass, physicist, member of FDP and Nuklearia e. V.
- Dr. Carsten Grötzinger, molecular biologist, Nuklearia-member
- Dr. Roman Rausch, physicist, Nuklearia member
- Jan-Christian Lewitz, physicist, “Der Atommüllmann”
- Karl Reichart, energy activist
- Janina Zauner, Michelau, Bavaria
- David Ferrer, Engineer
- Mothers For Nuclear: Paola Eckert-Palvarini, Ulrike von Waitz, Britta Augustin, Lisa Raß
- Nuklearia board: Rainer Klute, Rainer Reelfs, Christoph Barthe
- Nuklearia: Dirk Egelkraut, Noah Jakob Rettberg, Daniel Spannbauer, Alexej Michailovski, Werner Horstmann, Alexander Fuchs, Manfred Marggraf, Werner Kaspari, Harri Porten, Dr. Rasmus Kiehl, Dr. Markus Vester, Stefan Marxmeier, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz, Robert Biter, Christina Unger, Nikita Makeev
- Paris Ortiz-Wines, Stand Up For Nuclear, USA
- Isuru Seneviratne, Nuclear New York, USA
- Douglas Sandridge, director of EnergyPolicyUS, professor and energy educator, USA
- Alan Medsker, Nuclear Energy Advocate, Illinois, USA
- Eric G. Meyer, Generation Atomic, USA
- Dylan James Moon, Decouple Podcast, USA
- Jesse Freeston, Videojournalist und Filmemacher, Kanada
Organizers: Nuklearia e. V., Stand Up For Nuclear, FOTA4Climate, Mothers For Nuclear D-A-CH
[…] järjestäjiin kuuluivat Suomen Ekomodernistien Eurooppalainen sisarjärjestö, FOTA4Climate, sekä Saksalainen Nuklearia ja Saksan jaosto kansainvälisestä ryhmästä nimeltä Mothers for […]
Use nuclear power and the carbon tax to mitigate climate warming. Expand the carbon tax to tax use of all natural resources, not just using the atmosphere as a carbon dum. Expand the citizens dividend to reduce global poverty and economic inequality.